"We dance around in a circle and suppose...
While the secret sits in the middle and knows."
I have more questions about some things than I will probably ever have answers too.
There are things in my life that remain unseen and deep inside I know the outcome
is not going to be what I had hoped. When you feel duped, side winded, screwed over,
used, manipulated, and there is nothing you can do about it at the moment you begin to
feel sick inside like a rotting, abscessed tooth that hurts worse with every breath you take.
You think of how you will deal with the pain, or the shame and how you will make people
understand how you could have been so stupid!
But I know how this stupidity works, and I admit that because I have not yet learned how
to pay attention to all the red flags! If you are like me and you
love with your whole heart and want to believe that all people are good you could at some
point be duped. And I am not always talking about what you may think I am talking about
either. It could be so many different scenarios. But for me I know what it is. And no, I am
no where near ready to share it with the world. I am not even sure yet what I am dealing with
exactly. But it is not my secret, my secret is that I know that there is a deep dark story that has
continued on and on...and one day soon the dam will burst forth with all the truths and untruths
behind it. This I know is true with all my heart, mind, body and soul.
While the secret sits in the middle and knows."
I have more questions about some things than I will probably ever have answers too.
There are things in my life that remain unseen and deep inside I know the outcome
is not going to be what I had hoped. When you feel duped, side winded, screwed over,
used, manipulated, and there is nothing you can do about it at the moment you begin to
feel sick inside like a rotting, abscessed tooth that hurts worse with every breath you take.
You think of how you will deal with the pain, or the shame and how you will make people
understand how you could have been so stupid!
But I know how this stupidity works, and I admit that because I have not yet learned how
to pay attention to all the red flags! If you are like me and you
love with your whole heart and want to believe that all people are good you could at some
point be duped. And I am not always talking about what you may think I am talking about
either. It could be so many different scenarios. But for me I know what it is. And no, I am
no where near ready to share it with the world. I am not even sure yet what I am dealing with
exactly. But it is not my secret, my secret is that I know that there is a deep dark story that has
continued on and on...and one day soon the dam will burst forth with all the truths and untruths
behind it. This I know is true with all my heart, mind, body and soul.