I don't know how to start this post off except by just saying what comes from the heart. I probably could talk about anything and everything and have a little bit of knowledge about it all. I have 5 children and a grandson. I have been married and divorced and married again. I've been single, worked 3 jobs at one time, chased men and been chased lol (and loved it). I love being a mom and then somedays I don't seriously like today I've had it. My 6 year old won't use the potty because my 4 year old won't flush his err you know what down the toilet so it's been an on going fight for about 20 minutes. My husband has been at the hospital for a week with his father who went into cardiac arrest, we have not seen him this whole time! I think he and his sisters should take turns being with thier father instead of all of them being there at the same time, but who am I to say anything God forbide I would then be labeled "ungrateful!" Anyone who knows me knows what that term means LOL. I will be writing at random because thats me random. One minute I will be on one subject as I effortlessly slide into another and somehow leave everyone slightly confused. I would love your comments about my posts good or bad. I want real honest input. My dream has always been to be a writer. To someday publish my own book and see it in print and have people actually tell me how I am such a gifted writer. I am 41 and it is time I gave it a chance. If in the end I am not worthy of my dream I can at least know that i gave it my best efforts.